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Event 3 | The Laboratory of Embodied Intelligences

The third event I attended this quarter was a street-art performance for Trying out Bacterial Behavior, part of a series of site-specific performances for The Laboratory of Embodied Intelligences. This series of performances aims to allow people to perceive microbial behavior in nontraditional ways instead of through the typical laboratory data. It also tries to answer the question of how humans can communicate with each other just like microbes signal among their colleagues. How different are the languages that humans use to communicate compared to the chemicals that microbes use to signal with each other? The Entrance of the Tunnel Where the Performance are  This performance took place in a walking tunnel underneath the I-10 freeway in Santa Monica. The audience stood on one end of the tunnel while the performance started on the other end where the sun shone through. The dancers, representing the microbes, danced under the cherry trees for the prologue. Then, they graduall

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